Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Suicide Blonde

Since it's spring now,I decided it was time for a change. For those who know me well, that usually means a change in hair color (which I do VERY frequently lol).

I let the family decide on the color, asking only that they steer away from the bright colors since I work in an office and don't want to go into the warm months wearing a wig, and there was a unanimous decision on blonde.

Well I was a very fiery red, thanks to some magenta hair color, so I had some concerns about how my hair would turn out.  The following are the products I used to lighten my hair and tone the color.

I used one bottle of 7th Stage lightener and 3 packets of the pictured activator mixed with 20 vol to lighten without bleaching.

I then used the Shimmer Lights conditioner as if it were hair color to tone, leaving it in my hair for about 2 hours.  I did this twice across two days.

Before pic 

 After pic.

The result is a beige blonde with "rose gold" highlights. It still isn't exactly where I want it, but I'm quite impressed with the results.

I wouldn't expect the same results on other people as my hair seems to have an almost mutant like ability to have crazy stuff done to it without frying it.

 I hope everyone who wants to lighten their hair tries 7th Stage as it is one of the best products I have ever tried.

Today's post title inspired by the song Suicide Blonde by INXS.

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